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Workshop Description

This mosaics workshop will showcase the concepts, history and modern evolution of the mosaic techniques developed here in Montreal. Participants will learn the techniques to create beautiful pieces that respect the rules of – ancient or modern – mosaic art. The participants will apply all demonstrated techniques to a given design.  The reason for a predetermined design is because this will allow them to learn and understand the differences in styles and personal interpretations of the same subject.

Mosaic art is within everyone’s reach if you can combine patience, creativity, and dexterity. Mosaic art is a slow creative process, therefore overtime is included in the price of the workshop.

You will be taught all the necessary steps and techniques to create mosaic art, which includes the choice of colors, cutting and placement techniques, installation, and grout application.

No prior knowledge or skills are required for this workshop.

Specific objectives:

– Make an 8×8 inches mosaic following the Montreal Mosaic Lab technique.
– Learn interior installation techniques.

Teaching modalities
– Images of mosaic artworks are made available to the participants so that they can analyze the style to use on their project.
– Individual follow-up by the workshop manager or his assistant.
– Demonstration and practice, tips, and tricks.

Course Plan Summary.

Session 1
– Small presentation: the Montreal mosaic style.
– Visualization of projects realized by Mosaika and students of past workshops.
– Presentation of tools and their proper uses.
– Initiation to the cutting techniques, practice cuts with the nippers.
– Choosing colors to personalize the design.
– Project Implementation on the 8 “x 8” support
– Beginning of the project

Session 2
– Continuation of the project

Session 3
– Continuation or installation of the project
– Gluing the mosaic on its wooden support
– Grout application technique

The participants will take home their project once they apply cement and grout.

Participants who don’t finish during the course can return during studio time or by appointment, therefore allowing them to complete the project on their own time.

Note: This lesson plan is subject to change.